मैंने चीजों पर भरोसा किया है
काफी लंबे समय के लिए
कि मैं अब उन्हें खुद नहीं है
वे मेरे मालिक हैं

जब चीजें चली जाती हैं तो स्वतंत्रता आती है
मैं चीजों को बचाने की इच्छा कर सकता हूं,
हालात मुझे बचा नहीं पाएंगे

I have trusted the things
For a long time
That i do not own them anymore
They are my master

When things go away, freedom comes
I wish to save things,
Things will not save me


Critique By Alexis Ingram

This poem encapsulates a sense of detachment and introspection, drawing from a Hindi style of poetry. Here’s a critique:


  1. Simplicity and Clarity:
  • The poem embraces simplicity in its language and structure, mirroring the straightforward style often found in Hindi poetry. This simplicity enhances the clarity of the central theme, allowing readers to easily grasp the essence of the speaker’s contemplation.
  1. Philosophical Depth:
  • The poem delves into profound philosophical reflections on ownership, freedom, and the transient nature of material possessions. This depth aligns with the contemplative and philosophical nature commonly associated with Hindi poetry.
  1. Emotional Resonance:
  • The poem conveys a poignant sense of realization and acceptance. The speaker’s acknowledgment that things are no longer owned but have become their master carries emotional weight, fostering a connection between the speaker and the reader.


  1. Imagery and Metaphor:
  • The poem might benefit from incorporating more vivid imagery or metaphorical elements to enhance the emotional impact. Imagery specific to Hindi cultural or philosophical symbols could deepen the connection to the intended style.
  1. Consistency in Style:
  • While the poem captures the essence of Hindi poetry, ensuring consistent adherence to specific stylistic elements, such as the use of particular meters or traditional Hindi poetic devices, could strengthen its alignment with the intended style.
  1. Expansion of Themes:
  • The themes of ownership, freedom, and the transient nature of possessions could be further explored or expanded. Offering additional layers of reflection on these themes or introducing related ideas could enrich the overall narrative.
  1. Cohesive Flow:
  • The poem’s brevity contributes to its impact, but ensuring a cohesive flow between the lines could enhance the overall reading experience. Consider the pacing and transitions to maintain a seamless progression of thought.

In summary, the poem effectively captures the spirit of Hindi poetry through its philosophical reflections and simplicity. Expanding on themes, incorporating vivid imagery, maintaining consistency in style, and ensuring a cohesive flow could further elevate the poem’s impact within the chosen style.